Introduction Can reason alone lead us to Christ? This question has challenged philosophers and theologians for centuries. While many acknowledge that philosophical reasoning can lead to general theism, the specific knowledge of Christ seems to require revelation. This article explores a chain of reasoning that begins with the fundamental laws of logic and leads us to consider the necessity of Scripture as our ultimate epistemological authority. The Three Fundamental Laws of Logic The three fundamental laws of logic (3FLL) form the foundation of rational thought: The Law of Identity : A thing is what it is (A is A) The Law of Non-Contradiction : A proposition cannot be both true and false in the same sense (not both A and not-A) The Law of Excluded Middle : A proposition must be either true or false (either A or not-A) These principles aren't mere human conventions but appear to be necessary conditions for coherent reality. Even in domains like quantum mechanics that seem to chall...
Introducing Logic Field Theory (LFT): A Deterministic Framework for Quantum Mechanics Introduction Quantum mechanics (QM) has revolutionized our understanding of physical reality, yet it is built on a foundation of probabilistic interpretations and inherent randomness. The Copenhagen interpretation, with its reliance on wavefunction collapse and inherent stochasticism, leaves key philosophical and logical questions unresolved. What if quantum behavior could be explained deterministically without contradicting experimental results? Logic Field Theory (LFT) offers a novel perspective by proposing a deterministic foundation for quantum phenomena. Instead of interpreting uncertainty as a fundamental feature of nature, LFT suggests that uncertainty arises from our epistemic limitations—gaps in our knowledge—rather than ontological randomness. The Core Equation of LFT ...