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Biblical Christian Designarism: A Harmonized View of Reality

 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:15-20 (ESV) Section 1: Introducing the Framework of BCD What is Biblical Christian Designarism (BCD)? BCD is a holistic Scriptural worldview that interprets the universe as a programmatic system designed and sustained by an Ultimate Orchestrating Mind (UOM). At its foundation is the belief that all levels of reality—logical, mathematical, i...
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The Real Correlation: Christian Influence vs. Atheistic Governance

  Ever heard the claim that secular Nordic countries prove atheism leads to better societies ? The reality is the opposite —these nations were historically Christian, and their tolerance, stability, and pluralism were shaped by centuries of Christian moral influence . 🚨 Contrast with Atheistically Influenced Regimes In the 20th century , state-imposed atheism led to some of the worst human rights atrocities in history : 🔴 Soviet Union (1917–1991) : 15–20 million deaths under Stalin’s purges, forced famines, and gulags. 🔴 Communist China (1949–present) : 30–45 million deaths from Mao’s Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution. 🔴 Cambodia (Khmer Rouge, 1975–1979) : 2 million people executed in an attempt to create an atheist utopia. 🔴 North Korea (1948–present) : Religious persecution and concentration camps still exist today. ✅ Christian-Influenced Secularism Compare this to Christian-influenced secular societies in the Nordics, U.S., U.K., and Western Europe ,...

Logic Force Theory 3.0

Logic Force Theory (LFT): Foundational Paper with LaTeX Logic Force Theory (LFT): Foundational Paper Introduction For centuries, the nature of physical reality has inspired the most profound philosophical and scientific investigations. While modern physics reveals a universe governed by striking mathematical symmetry and logical coherence, the deeper question— why these principles hold—remains unresolved. Logic Force Theory (LFT) offers a direct response to this challenge, positing that logical necessity acting on informational states underpins the entire structure of physical reality. By uniting deterministic law-like behavior with the probabilistic core of quantum mechanics, LFT aims to provide a seamless bridge between the micro- and macro-levels of nature. At the heart of LFT lies the concise equation: $$\mathrm{PR} = \mathcal{L}(\mathcal{S}).$$ In this expression, physical reality (\(\mathrm{PR}\)) arises from the interplay of logic...

Reexamining the The Global Flood - Part 2: A Biblical and Scientific Narrative

  Executive Summary The Global Flood occurred through an orchestrated sequence of natural mechanisms under divine oversight. Multiple meteor impacts triggered the release of vast subsurface water reservoirs held in mantle minerals like ringwoodite. These impacts destabilized the pre-Flood vapor canopy and initiated catastrophic tectonic activity. Through supernatural time-dilation effects, geological processes occurred rapidly without destroying the biosphere. The Flood reshaped Earth's geography, created the fossil record through rapid sedimentation, and established modern climate patterns following the vapor canopy's collapse. Post-Flood speciation and human dispersal patterns align with genetic and anthropological evidence, while radiometric anomalies support accelerated processes during this period.

The Global Flood: Reexamining the Evidence

Subtitle:  A Unified Framework of Natural Mechanisms and Theological Sovereignty ( link to Google doc ) Author’s Note It is important to acknowledge that all origin theories—whether naturalistic or theistic—ultimately rely on events or mechanisms that could be described as  miraculous  or beyond full scientific explanation. For example, naturalistic models require phenomena such as the  Big Bang , the  emergence of life from non-life , or the  fine-tuning of universal constants , all of which remain unresolved by current scientific understanding and often stretch the limits of plausibility within purely material frameworks. This theory of the Flood seeks to integrate  Biblical faithfulness  with  scientific evidence , offering a cohesive explanation for one of the most significant events recorded in Scripture. While this model includes a supernatural component— geological time acceleration —it relies primarily on  natural mechanisms ...

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